Ahlstrom Munksjo

Release sheets for use in lamination processes in the production of multilayer printed circuit boards


Thanks to the continuous research and development of major companies such as Ahlstrom-Munskjo, the new OptiLayup™ series release sheets for use in lamination processes in the production of multilayer printed circuit boards are an environmentally friendly and absolutely competitive solution when compared to the plastic film release agents usually used in PCB lamination.

This new generation of 100% natural cellulose-based material protects the PCB by offering high electrostatic dissipation, separation, cleaning and reusability.

Finally, no compromise: OptiLayup™ is a sustainable and competitive material. Its antistatic capability makes it easy to handle, it withstands the lamination process perfectly, and it is biodegradable and compostable. In addition, it boasts superior release properties to keep both laminates and metal sheets clean.

Ahlstrom-Munskjo is a world leader in fibre-based materials and provides innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers. The Finnish multinational has a sustainable philosophy behind its production and this extraordinary series is proof of it.


Ahlstrom Munskjo release sheets guarantee stable performance:

  • Validated up to 210°C/410°F, 275 PSI, 3 hours in a vacuum press
  • Optimal release agents: 4 times better than PET film
  • Eco-friendly: 100% cellulose, obtained from renewable resources, biodegradable and compostable
  • Reusable
  • Particularly competitive
  • Easy to use
  • Antistatic

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